The grammatical category of time as a means of the expression of temporal deixis in Belarusian and English in the comparative aspect
DOI:Ключові слова:
temporal deixis, grammatical category of time, observer, speaker, perception, aspect, narrative mode of interpretation, secondary deixisАнотація
The article analyzes the grammatical category of time as a means of actualizing temporal deixis in Belarusian and English in typological aspect. It is revealed that the category of time represented by the verbal forms in Belarusian and English is not identical to the physical time model and has an indexical nature, where the point of reference depends on the congruence or divergence of the moment of perception and the time of the speech act. In the relative temporal model of the narrative mode of interpretation, there is a shift of the deictic personal center in the Belarusian language in contrast to the English language, where thereis a shift of personal and temporal deictic centres together.Посилання
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